Mike Ault's thoughts on various topics, Oracle related and not. Note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are not contributing to the overall theme of the BLOG or are insulting or demeaning to anyone. The posts on this blog are provided “as is” with no warranties and confer no rights. The opinions expressed on this site are mine and mine alone, and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Another year gone, another vacation due! Just taking time to take stock of where I have been this last 12 months, and the tally is: 9 weeks of onsite training given (RAC and New Features, PL/SQL, SQL, Linux), 22 clients worked for, 5 conferences attended. Guess I will cry all the way to the bank!

Getting ready to go on this year’s vacation, somewhere warm, tropical with great diving. I know, sounds like some of my work sites from last year. However, there will be no cell phone and no laptop and above all NO CLIENT! Just me, Susan, and the kids. Of course the kids are 31 and 27 and the 27 year old has been married for 4 years…my how time flies. Looking forward to time with my Son-in-law.

I plan on relaxing on a beach with a drink in hand. No fru-fru drink of course, I like a tequila with a side of Sangrita. Not sangria, Sangrita. Sangrita is a mix of orange, lime, tomato juices and some seasonings. For example, from http://cocktails.about.com/library/recipes/blsangrita.htm:

2 Cups Tomato Juice
1 Cup Orange Juice
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
2 Tsp. Hot Sauce (Tabasco)
2 Tsp. Minced Onion
2 Tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
Cracked Pepper, Celery Salt & Seasoned Salt to taste.
Shake very well, strain, and refrigerate.

Anyway, an acquired taste.

And of course I intend to dive, maybe do some deep sea fishing and spend a lot of time with the Wife just sitting, walking on the beach and enjoying our vacation. So at least for this next week I am incommunicado and loving it.

Somewhere warm and tropical,


1 comment:

Don Burleson said...

Enjoy! You earned it!