Mike Ault's thoughts on various topics, Oracle related and not. Note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are not contributing to the overall theme of the BLOG or are insulting or demeaning to anyone. The posts on this blog are provided “as is” with no warranties and confer no rights. The opinions expressed on this site are mine and mine alone, and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air, literally here in Atlanta. Our pollen count is at 9000+ and rising and a yellow haze envelopes everything turning all cars into yellow taxi wantabes. With the warmer weather my thoughts turn toward scuba diving. Of course that means I need to get the regulators in for servicing at $90 a pop, see what tanks need to be inspected and which ones hydroed. I guess there is a cost for everything.

I also think about fishing. Standing hip deep in rushing cold water, flipping the fly out into just the right spot and feeling that sudden tug that shows the trout (or any other fish) has taken the challenge and wants to play. Hmmm...fresh caught trout fried with a little butter, dill and lemon juice.

Of course the barbecue season is already in full swing, had friends over already for hamburgers and hotdogs. Cooked some great pork chops the other day and some barbecue chicken. Maybe this weekend I'll pull out the last venison roast and rubbed with olive oil, seasoned with sage and garlic and wrapped in bacon, cook it over a slow fire until it is falling apart...

Also time to start planting the garden. Tomatoes, peppers, maybe some snow peas (if I can keep the neighborhood deer away) also spinach, maybe strawberries...

Well, time is flying by, so must close for now, spring is calling!

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